Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So today I met with the attorny. But I am just so exausted that I can't think strait. I'll have to get back to it tommrow. Now, I'm going to veg on facebook for a while and play some games.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you went! Be sure to follow through too. Then he can't "drop the kids" (and you) from his health insurance. What a prick! Is this how he shows how much he loves you and the boys?!! You don't need that!

    Keith is being so abusive and manipulative and I am proud of you for not caving in like he expects you to do!

    I think you should either fix your car or buy a reliable vehicle. And take money from your joint account and give your attorney a hefty retainer to do everything that needs to be done.
